NY TIMES April 18, 2010
Web Is he Way to Entertainment, for Chinese
By David Barboza SHANGHAI — The daily Web habits of a typical 18-year-old college student named Li Yufei show why American Internet companies, one after another, have had trouble penetrating what is now the world’s most wired nation.
Li Yufei, an 18-year-old student at Shanghai Maritime University, finds Korean television shows online, plays video games and has 300 Web buddies.
Web Is he Way to Entertainment, for Chinese
By David Barboza SHANGHAI — The daily Web habits of a typical 18-year-old college student named Li Yufei show why American Internet companies, one after another, have had trouble penetrating what is now the world’s most wired nation.

Li Yufei, an 18-year-old student at Shanghai Maritime University, finds Korean television shows online, plays video games and has 300 Web buddies.