

Licensing Entertainment: Strategies for the Global Marketplace

By | Licensing, UCLA, Uncategorized | No Comments

Licensing Entertainment: Strategies for the Global Marketplace

LIMA_logoLicensing is an integral strategy in the marketing and monetizing process of an entertainment property. Learn what it takes to fully leverage an entertainment property across channels of distribution, locations, and media platforms. For professionals who have a fundamental understanding of licensing, I am instructing alongside a select number of the industry’s top professionals to deliver a definitive course on how to license entertainment properties in this increasingly competitive marketplace.

Ken Markman will be the Instructor with featured speakers including:

  • Elie Dekel (Saban Brands)
  • George Leon & Greg Economos (Sony Pictures Consumer Products)
  • Henry Stupp (The Cherokee Group)
  • Tim Kilpin (Mattel)
  • Russell Binder (Striker Entertainment)
  • Howard Ballon (Networked Insights)
  • Jim McCafferty (JMP Creative)
  • Fred Fierst (Fierst, Kane & Bloomberg LLP)
  • Dan Romanelli

The course is presented in association with LIMA, the International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association, the leading trade organization for the global licensing industry. LIMA’s mission is to foster the growth and expansion of licensing around the world, raise the level of professionalism for licensing practitioners, and create greater awareness of the benefits of licensing to the business community at large.

The early registration discount expires on Dec 6th!

For more information visit:

Finally a Sustainable Idea

By | Branding, Licensing, Uncategorized | No Comments

“Our industry is global and powerful because of its reach across multiple industries. Many would suggest that the responsibility rests within each sector of business. Others don’t really care. However, before we get influenced by any single entity or regulated by the government, perhaps we could take a defining step in shaping our own economic, social and environmental responsibility.

After all, sustainability, even if regarded as enlightened self interest, is ultimately about survival; both personal and profession.”
—Ken Markman

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A wake up call for the Licensing Industry! The iPad has just moved your cheese:

By | Branding, Licensing, New Media | No Comments

IPad Poised to Revolutionize Retail Industry
Affecting Everything From Catalogs to E-Commerce

No one in the Licensing Industry is talking about the immersive, experiential revolution that is playing out in front us. For the most part, few within the industry understand what they are watching… because they are either not part of the revolution or they are functioning with old skill sets, dogmas, or institutional systems.

Get a grip and take careful note.

We are deeply seeded, as a company, in the Digital realm: from content to commerce. It fits well within our core capabilities of brand building and monetizing potential.